Data Rollback

Bytebase allows taking Prior Backup before a data change is made. Bytebase stores the pre-snapshot of the affected rows, which allows you to revert that data change if needed.

The backup data is stored in your own database instance. Bytebase does not purge the backup data automatically. You can manually delete the data in bbdataarchive database/schema.

Prior backup is only feasible when meeting any of the following conditions:

  1. No more than 5 statements and every statement is either UPDATE or DELETE.
  2. All statements are UPDATE for the same table with PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE KEY in WHERE clause.
DatabasePrerequisites1-click Rollback
MySQLCreate a bbdataarchive database on the instance where your database is located.βœ…
PostgreSQLCreate a bbdataarchive schema on the database.βœ…
OracleCreate a bbdataarchive database on the instance where your database is located.❌
SQL ServerCreate a bbdataarchive database on the instance where your database is located.βœ…

Create backup

You can toggle Prior Backup switch before or after creating the issue.


1-click rollback

  1. Once the change has been rolled out. You can click the Rollback button to create the rollback issue.


  2. The rollback issue automatically populates the rollback statements.


Inspect the backup data

You can go to SQL Editor to inspect the backup data. If the DML change contains no more than 5 statements, then each statements will be backed up to a separate table.


If the DML change contains more than 5 statements, then all statements will be backed up to a single table.



Project backup settings

This feature is available in Pro and Enterprise Plan.
  • You can enable Prior Backup by default.
  • You can control whether you want to skip backup errors and continue changing the data.


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