Bytebase 3.4.1

AyraAyra1 min read

🎄 Enhancements

  • Terraform provider manages more resources.

    • Support managing custom roles, semantic types, and database resources.
    • Support assigning instance licenses.
    • Support external secrets for instances.
  • Allow retrying online migration tasks.

  • Enable the following flags for online migration: throttle-control-replicas and attempt-instant-ddl.

  • Improve the automatic quotation feature in the SQL editor.

  • Consolidate the setting update UX for workspace, instance, environment, and project.

🔔 Breaking Changes

  • External Approval Deprecated: Users should now use the Bytebase API for managing approvals and rollouts.
  • MySQL online migration sync and cutover tasks have been consolidated into a single task. As a prerequisite, you should first create a bbdataarchive database.
  • HTTP API update: Implemented strict request parsing, rejecting unknown fields. Response serialization now excludes unset values.

⚙️ Install and Upgrade

Warning: Bytebase does not support downgrade. Make sure to back up your meta data before upgrading.

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