Bytebase 1.2.1

NingjingNingjing1 min read

🚀 New Features

  • In-place Point-in-time Recovery for the database (preview version). restore-database

  • Added GET /v1/sql/advise OpenAPI.

It allows users to perform SQL reviews via API after configuring the schema review policy. Users can access its API documentation via /swagger/index.html once they start their Bytebase service.


🎄 Enhancements

  • Added cluster support for ClickHouse database creation.
  • Support GitLab merge request commit in GitOps workflow.
  • Clicking on issue, project, database … table rows with cmd/ctrl pressed will open the link in a new tab.

🐞 Notable bug fixes

  • Fixed unable to archive environment even when the environment has no active instance.
  • Fixed unrecognized PostgreSQL index names with quotes.
  • Fixed in VCS workflow, duplicate issues created upon receiving merge branch commit.

🎠 Community

⚙️ Install and Upgrade

Warning: Bytebase does not support downgrade. Make sure to back up your meta data before upgrading.

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